Two birds: Merlin and Plover

on Nov 15, 2015

The invention of a new method for the propulsion of steamships was news of importance for the shipbuilders and ship owners on the Clyde. Like many others, the idea presented by John Kibble was not entirely new and had been tried in a form on the steamboat Highland Lad on the Lochgoil route as early as 1826. Kibble’s proposed use of a continuous belt of small paddles instead of the normal paddle wheels had some merit, and as events evolved, showed some promise in the steamboat that he had built to demonstrate the invention. It eventually failed but the story and subsequent happenings are well worth examination. The patent submitted by Kibble has the details of his invention. “Specification of the Patent granted to John Kibble, of Glasgow, Gentleman, for Improvements in Apparatus for Propelling Vessels.—Sealed November 2, 1843. “With an engraving. To all to whom these presents shall...

Helensburgh Quay

on Oct 21, 2015

The coming of the railway to Helensburgh was met with great anticipation, not least among those who saw the prospect of improvements promised to the quay. The magistrates in the town entered into an agreement with the Dumbartonshire Railway Co. who were to provide the funding to upgrade the pier but the collapse in railway funding in the early 1850s meant that the project was delayed. The Dumbartonshire Railway realized that the costs would exceed their initial estimates and offered a lump-sum to the payment to the town who responded by taking the matter to the courts. The “pier at Helensburgh—one of the most beautiful watering places on the Clyde…is not only rough and uneven in surface, so as to be altogether useless to visitors as a promenade, and exceedingly inconvenient in passing to and from the steamers, but it is positively dangerous to land at in certain states of the weather.”...